Music is an important part of our “environment” and for our children. music can measurably reduce stress and pain levels and music may help you build a healthier life and brighter future.
Checkout NIEHS – Sing Along Songs for excellent kids music resource….
ABC’s Alphabet Song (with lyrics)
A Star is Born (with lyrics)
Alphabet Love Song — (A) You’re Adorable (with lyrics)
B – I – N – G – O (with lyrics)
Stay Awake (with lyrics)
Rock-A-Bye Baby (with lyrics)
(My) Pony Boy (with lyrics)
Thanksgiving Day (Over the River)
(with lyrics)
More songs with Lyrics here at NIEHS (National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences ) Website
Are you looking for activities and games for your kids. Activities are good for parties, rainy days, or any day. Listed here are the games, activities, and crafts links to engage creative young minds.
Play dates, more interaction and communication in the family helps a lot.
But the kids will eventually develop their sociability according to their own time and their kind.
Puzzles play an important role in early childhood education.They really help kids learn the art of putting pieces together to make a whole better one,in rather a playful way,which really helps them with their math skills latter.There are a lot of puzzles availabe for kids from age one.
Knob Puzzles
Knob Puzzles help babies from 1 year old with their ‘pincer’ grip and mathcing skills and knowing colours and figures.
Jizsaw puzzle
Jizsaw puzzles ,are available in wooden and cardboard pieces.These are usually a good picture based on children stories or movies etc.
There are a lot of other puzzles like sound puzzles,peg puzzles,block puzzles etc. Puzzles give the kids a challenge to fix things and explore possibilities and recognize various figures ,colours ,numbers ,alphabets etc.
Many research showed that learning music will enhance brain development of young children. Infants learn to communicate with song and sound even before they are born. It’s natural.
Getting started early on with music can be a great benefit to the child. Music can also be a form of psychotherapy for adults and children.
Many research studies suggests a relationship between music and spatial task performance.
Early music training would enhance spatial-temporal reasoning. A study of 237 second grade children and music, used piano keyboard training and newly designed math software to demonstrate improvement in math skills. The group scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than children that used only the math software.
Ref– ‘Enhanced learning of proportional math through music training and spatial-temporal training.’ Amy Graziano, Matthew Peterson, and Gordon Shaw, Neurological Research 21 (March 1999).
Students with regular music instruction scored 41 points higher on the SAT math test, and 57 points higher on the verbal test, than did students with no music participation.
Ref– College-Bound Seniors National Report: ‘Profile of SAT Program Test Takers.’ Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination Board, 2001.
Basically music improves the intellectual functioning of all children.
- Music helps to develop skills such as sharing and respect.
- Increases child’s confidence and self esteem.
- Music enhances brain development.
- research shows that Keyboard courses can improve your child’s ability to think, learn, reason and create.
- Music will improve your child’s memory, problem solving techniques, understanding and recollection.
Music education is essential, all parents must think to provide music education to kids.It may even make a fundamental part of parenting.