When will my baby get first tooth?

Some babies get tooth as early as 3 months old and some babies get their first teeth when they are 11 or 12 months old.

Any time before their first birthday is okay, until unless your doctor is concerned.

How to Get my Baby on a Sleep Schedule?

First thing that helps put baby on a bedtime schedule is regularity (without straining). Making them sleep the same time every day helps a lot whether it is naptime or bedtime.

Making a routine of singing a favorite lullaby and or giving a bottle at the time will help. Maintaining a routine of dinner, bath time, reading or singing to them always helps to put them to sleep at night.

Routine is the keyword to follow for babies to be comfortable.

Is Epidurals Good or Bad Idea?

Pains during childbirth can help mothers to bond with their children, often regulated childbirth, helping physiologically with labour and prepare mothers for the responsibility of motherhood, according to Dr Denis Walsh, associate professor in midwifery at Nottingham University.

The pain of childbirth may have benefits who opt for painkilling epidurals.

[Via – Pain in childbirth ‘a good thing’]

Foods To Avoid In The First Year

Once started on solids and as the babies are growing they are so eager to sample what we eat.As we are so interested in knowing what to feed and when and how to feed,it is good to before hand as to what not to give them.

He or she may not be ready to eat certain foods till the first year.
Those foods include:


Doctors advice not to give honey to babies less than 12 months of age.Honey can have spores of clostridium botulinum ,which when digested can make babies sick by a toxin that causes botulism.therefore it’s safe not to give honey and foods containing honey to small babies.

Cow’s Milk

Breast-milk or formula is best recommended for the baby and substituting cow’s milk is not good ,since they don’t give enough recommended nutrition for the babies first years and also babies may cause allergic reaction to other milks such as cow’s milk, goat milk or soy milk.


Hard foods such as nuts,popcorn,raisin,candies,chuncks of fruits and vegetables may be achoking hazard to the baby ,also nuts may cause allergic reation.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are consider allery foods for babies.If needed egg yolk can be fed after 7 or 8 months. It is safe to avoid eggs untill 1 year.

It is also safe to avoid other foods like fish,peanut butter, marshmallows,wheat ,chocolateetc.,It is also good to limit to 4-6 ounces of jucie per day ,that too after the baby is 6 months old.

What To Do When Starting Solids Foods

After so many readings and consultation with the doctor, when we think the baby is ready to start on solid foods, next thing that comes to every mothers mind is what to start with and how to start?

The best thing to do is talk to your doctor about what and how to give too.
Even though the baby is started on solids it is really important that feeding breast-milk or formula is comes first during the first year.

There are a few simple things to know and make sure what to do when starting on solids.

  • First, expect to be messy
  • It is always good to be slow when feeding the babies. Give your baby very small amount of food when you start, since he should practice to use his tongue to swallow the food.
  • We should remember that the babies tummies are really tiny.Even a spoon full of food can make them full.
  • Also expect changes in color and consistency of babies stools.
  • Look for allergic reactions, such as rash, fussiness, runny nose,upset tummy etc., when introducing each new food.

Doctors always make sure to start with rice cereal which will be easier for the babies to digest. Though breast-feeding I pumped little breast-milk everyday to mix with the rice cereal when i first started solids for my son. It is good to give it in a watery consistency. Since it has breast-milk it will be easier for the babies to like it and get used to.

Make sure to introduce just one new food a week, so that there will be enough time to know how the baby likes that food and to know whether it is allergic to the baby.

Also whenever you start with a new food,  give in the morning, so that if the baby is allergic to the food we will be able to know before the end of the day.

When we give the baby a new food and some how he doesn’t like it or is allergic to it, stop giving that food and wait at least a week to give him any other new food.

I remember, I started with rice cereal and breast-milk in the mornings alone for the first whole week when he was four months old and the next 10 days i gave him twice a day in the morning and in the evening.

After that we can start with vegetables and then fruits.In case of vegetables my doctor said it is good to start with yellow or orange veggies like carrot, sweet potato, squash etc.,

In case of fruits,most of them start with apples and continue with pears , banana, prunes etc.,

Expect constipated stools, specially with rice cereal and apples.

When i start with these things i keep on going.But i guess these are the basic things moms should know about when they start giving solids to their babies.Also it is important to make sure not give the foods that should be kept away in the first year.

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